Heat map 3D description

A heat map is a two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors. A simple heat map provides an immediate visual summary of information. More elaborate heat maps allow the viewer to understand complex data sets. There can be many ways to display heat maps, but they all share one thing in common they use color to communicate relationships between data values that would be would be much harder to understand if presented numerically in a spreadsheet. In our tool we have co-linked 2 heat map graphs and drawn in a 3d environment.

  • Heatmaps 3D are a lot more visual than standard analytics reports, which can make them easier to analyze at a glance.
  • It is easier to see the connections between 2 heat map charts

In this example we have put in relation four data entities: investors, companies, years and amount of investment. The color variation indicates the amount of investment.

You can rotate and zoom the graph to display data from multiple points of view.

Heat map 3D

A heat map is a two-dimensional representation of data in which values are represented by colors. A simple heat map provides an immediate visual summary of information. More elaborate heat maps allow the viewer to understand complex data sets. There can be many ways to display heat maps, but they all share one thing in common they use color to communicate relationships between data values that would be would be much harder to understand if presented numerically in a spreadsheet. In our tool we have co-linked 2 heat map graphs and drawn in a 3d environment.

  • Heatmaps 3D are a lot more visual than standard analytics reports, which can make them easier to analyze at a glance.
  • It is easier to see the connections between 2 heat map charts

In this example we have put in relation four data entities: investors, companies, years and amount of investment. The color variation indicates the amount of investment. You can rotate and zoom the graph to display data from multiple points of view.